Tuesday, January 6, 2009

♥♥my nEw yeAr reSoLUTion...♥♥

♦☺my nEw yeAr rEsoLUTion is 2:☺♦

♥ to cHange my aTtiTude
♥ to do some thingS to mAke my fAmiLy hAppY
♥ to movE.on wiTh my paSt LUv 2 a mAn hu hUrTs my hEArT so bAdLy..
♥ to sTudy hArd so thAt i cAn pAsT on my exAms.
♥ anD to be sTrong in aLL thE pRobLems tHat mAy coME in mY
wHoLe yeAr..!!!

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